Allstar Commands

Restart asterisk by typing: at the linux command line.

Enter asterisk commands type “asterisk -r” at the command line.

node status : “rpt stats node#”

There are several helper scripts which are executable from anywhere. The table below explains the purpose of each script:

Script Name Purpose Shuts down Asterisk Restarts Asterisk. Use to fore a reload of all configuration files. Starts up Asterisk Allows the Allstar node number, node number password, and identification message to be set on a single node system. Diagnostic tool. Reports back which Allstar link node servers are up, and optionally the node data for a specific node or IP address. Restores the Asterisk config files, and node name sound files in the /tmp directory

Prefix Digit Suggestions

Prefix Functions
*1 Disconnect Link
*2 Monitor Link
*3 Connect Link
*4 Command Mode
*5 Macros
*6 User Functions
*7 Connection Status
*8 User Functions
*9 User Functions
*0 User Functions
*A User Functions
*B User Functions
*C User Functions
*D User Functions

Mandatory Command Codes

These are the mandatory command codes which all Allstar Link nodes must support to provide command code consistency to the users.
Command Code Description
*1node Disconnect Link
*2node Connect link in monitor mode
*3node Connect link in transcieve mode
*4node Enter command mode on a remote node
*7 Local connection status


1. node is an Allstar Link node number
2. Node number zero (0) is shorthand for the last node operated on by a previous command
3. Monitor mode means listen to a node, but do not send any audio to it
4. Command mode means send all received DTMF digits to the node number specified (bypassing the local command decoder). Send # to exit command mode, and restore local command decoding.

Optional Command Codes

Command Code Description
*80 Force System ID
*81 Say System Time
*82 Say app_rpt software version
*85 Last active node (system-wide)
*87 System-wide connection status
*51 Disconnect all links (macro)
*52 Site Normal (macro)
*53 Reconnect all links (macro)
Example : force cw id from asterisk cmd line: rpt fun 29503 *80

Other Commands

Status Commands:

1 – Force ID (global)
2 – Give Time of Day (global)
3 – Give software Version (global)
11 – Force ID (local only)
12 – Give Time of Day (local only)

cop (control operator) cmds:

1 – System warm boot
2 – System enable
3 – System disable
4 – Test Tone On/Off
5 – Dump System Variables on Console (debug)
6 – PTT (phone mode only)
7 – Time out timer enable
8 – Time out timer disable
9 – Autopatch enable
10 – Autopatch disable
11 – Link enable
12 – Link disable
13 – Query System State
14 – Change System State
15 – Scheduler Enable
16 – Scheduler Disable
17 – User functions (time, id, etc) enable
18 – User functions (time, id, etc) disable
19 – Select alternate hang timer
20 – Select standard hang timer
21 – Enable Parrot Mode
22 – Disable Parrot Mode
23 – Birdbath (Current Parrot Cleanup/Flush)
24 – Flush all telemetry
25 – Query last node un-keyed
26 – Query all nodes keyed/unkeyed
27 – Reset DAQ minimum on a pin
28 – Reset DAQ maximum on a pin
30 – Recall Memory Setting in Attached Xcvr
31 – Channel Selector for Parallel Programmed Xcvr
32 – Touchtone pad test: command + Digit string + # to playback all digits pressed
33 – Local Telemetry Output Enable
34 – Local Telemetry Output Disable
35 – Local Telemetry Output on Demand
36 – Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable
37 – Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable
38 – Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry
39 – Foreign Link Local Output Path on Demand
40 – IRLP announce Enable
41 – IRLP announce Disable
42 – Echolink announce node # only
43 – Echolink announce node Callsign only
44 – Echolink announce node # & Callsign
45 – Link Activity timer enable
46 – Link Activity timer disable
47 – Reset “Link Config Changed” Flag
48 – Send Page Tone (Tone specs separated by parenthesis)
49 – Disable incoming connections (control state noice)
50 – Enable incoming connections (control state noicd)
51 – Enable sleep mode
52 – Disable sleep mode
53 – Wake up from sleep
54 – Go to sleep
55 – Parrot Once if parrot mode is disabled

ilink Commands:

1 – Disconnect specified link
2 – Connect specified link — monitor only
3 – Connect specified link — tranceive
4 – Enter command mode on specified link
5 – System status
6 – Disconnect all links
7 – Which node last keyed up
11 – Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
12 – Permanently connect specified link — monitor only
13 – Permanently connect specified link — tranceive
15 – Full system status (all nodes)
16 – Reconnect links disconnected with “disconnect all links”
200 thru 215 – (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)

Remote Commands:

1 – Recall Memory MM (*000-*099) (Gets memory from rpt.conf)
2 – Set VFO MMMMM*KKK*O (Mhz digits, Khz digits, Offset)
3 – Set Rx PL Tone HHH*D*
4 – Set Tx PL Tone HHH*D* (Not currently implemented with DHE RBI-1)
5 – Link Status (long)
6 – Set operating mode M (FM, USB, LSB, AM, etc)
100 – RX PL off (Default)
101 – RX PL On
102 – TX PL Off (Default)
103 – TX PL On
104 – Low Power
105 – Med Power
106 – Hi Power
107 – Bump Down 20 Hz
108 – Bump Down 100 Hz
109 – Bump Down 500 Hz
110 – Bump Up 20 Hz
111 – Bump Up 100 Hz
112 – Bump Up 500 Hz
113 – Scan Down Slow
114 – Scan Down Medium
115 – Scan Down Fast
116 – Scan Up Slow
117 – Scan Up Medium
118 – Scan Up Fast
119 – Transmit allowing auto-tune
140 – Link Status (brief)
200 thru 215 – (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc

) Playback Commands:
Specify the name of the file to be played globally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)

Localplay Commands:
Specify the name of the file to be played locally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)

‘duplex’ modes: (defaults to duplex=2)

0 – Only remote links key Tx and no main repeat audio.
1 – Everything other then main Rx keys Tx, no main repeat audio.
2 – Normal mode
3 – Normal except no main repeat audio.
4 – Normal except no main repeat audio during autopatch only

Originally publised on by kd3su. It appears as though the domain has expired.

Copied from the wayback archive of